[GRIP] - Supporting you when griefed

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by ShelLuser, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. This community never seizes to amaze me, seriously. As Khixan said: once word got out several players were already busy dumping items in our donations chest even before GRIP was online!


    Anyway, this is why I think it's a good idea that GRIP has a decently large "trust fund" in both materials and rupees. When the shell hits the fan (I always do that during these times, that's why it's so bloody hot in my house! :D) then we probably can help you out. Even with larger amounts of items like now.
  2. Asked & Answered

    I feel that I need to sort out a few things here, especially because GRIP is a non-profit organization (you guys help make us do our thing) so transparency is a huge deal to me. So here is a collection of questions which people have been asking me and questions which I think you could be wondering about:
    • Why do you buy stuff from shops? Just ask and see if someone can donate!
      • 2 reasons: First: this is an economy server, and in a healthy economy the money must flow (as is the saying I believe). Our purchase(s) can very well help another shop to improve on themselves (or maybe give the owner a positive boost in morale). Second: sometimes we need items ASAP, when that happens we can't be bothered to ask & wait for donations.
    • I know you're helping with a grief, why don't you tell me what you need and I'll get it?
      • As much as I appreciate those offers (honest!) I prefer to talk those things over after we're done helping. When I try to help someone out I have only 1 thing on my mind: getting the items. I don't want to split my attention to other things during those moments (like wondering how long you might take or if you really have everything we need).
    • Why don't you make the GRIP storage look nicer? Maybe a big office building?
      • Because the GRIP build was mostly made using GRIP materials and because those are donated items I prefer not using too much: functionality over good looks :) It's also because I don't want to give out any wrong impressions. I mean: what effect would it have on you if you'd visit our storage and the floor was made out of diamond blocks? ;)
    • (part 2): But I can build something using my own items!
      • I really appreciate that, but I'd rather see our items being used to help griefed players than to make our build look "nicer" :)
    • You got so much of <random item>, why don't you auction it to get more money?
      • Because we need materials over money ;) I'm more comfortable with excess materials than excess money to be honest, also because all GRIP members can put those materials to good use while helping. You never know when you might need 'm.
    • How do I become a GRIP member?
      • Just let any of us know you're interested (preferably in a forum PM) and we'll see what happens next. No guarantees of course.
    • Thanks for your help! Hey, you're still AFK, what gives?
      • Just because GRIP helped out doesn't mean we're done yet :) All members, myself included, need to report to the rest of the team about what they did & how much got donated. It helps us to keep track of things a bit but also (here we go again): to ensure a little more transparency.
    • Who is GripCEO and why is he making such weird comments all the time?
      • Rumor has it that he's my ALT, and yeah: he's just a little arrogant like any other CEO would be :cool:
    And with that: dinner time, see ya guys later this evening :)
    Patr1cV, _cTJ_, SirTah and 3 others like this.
  3. You're so much nicer than I am :D

    smp8 Public Wild Utilities version of Shell's convo
    • Mining/Gathering party! Who's coming? (what is this "buy" you speak of Shell? lol)
    • Tell me what you need built and I'll do it!
      • No. That defeats the purpose of these being group community builds. You're welcome to become my minion volunteer for the build though!
    • I have all the materials, want me to give them to you?
      • I don't think I've ever turned down donations, but I don't encourage them either. (Only exception being this last time due to the extent of the grief - days in the waste is not party in the waste.) Because PARTY IN THE WASTE! You want to bring out zombie viruses with you for it?
    • Part 1 - I think you should do blah blah blah to build X.
      • Great! Write that up please on the SMP8 Public Wild Utilities thread.
    • Part 2 - But I want to do it RIGHT NOW.
      • No.
    • Part 3a - But can't I start doing...
      • No. /c dnd
    • Part 3b - I can do these better than you can!
      • Great! You should do them on a SMP that doesn't have any. They'd love that I'm sure. Good luck! /c dnd (or /ignore if they were really ... yeah)
    • Part 1 The PM'er - /tell khixan blah blah blah
      • Heya, I'm super busy right now. Can I talk to you later about that please?
    • Part 2a The PM'er with SENSE - /tell khixan ok thanks!
      • Yay!
    • Part 2b This Won't End Well - /tel khixan blah blah blah blah blah
      • /c dnd
    • Part 3 The PM'er shows up where I'm working to continue talking at me.
      • /ignore
    • How do I volunteer for PWU?
      • I always need inspectors and grief reporters.
    • I want to do more than that.
      • Pick a build. Become an expert on it. Once you show me your expertise, I'll add you to the repair team.
    • I want to work on the next build.
      • Awesome! Watch the forums. I always post about upcoming builds/projects. Hit me up when the next one rolls around.
    • I want you to do something right now though to entertain me!
      • Go. Away. :p
    AyanamiKun, _cTJ_, Vizsco and 2 others like this.
  4. GRIP would like to announce their latest member: Merek_Shadower.

    Obviously a little bit new but feel free to approach him as well when you're dealing with griefing incidents.

    I'd also like to especially thank the anonymous donator of 2 DC (or so) worth of Purpur blocks! :) We didn't have a section for that in our storage so far, so we'll soon be making one. GRIP storage is currently almost literally overflowing a little bit :) (nothing we can't handle)
  5. On September 7th, 2015 "bad things" happened. I'm not going to get into all that again but unfortunately Cadenmann could no longer be with us.

    Earlier this week "stuff happened" again and now it is my great pleasure to welcome Cadenmann back into GRIP!
    khixan and Jelle68 like this.
  6. GRIP is being muscled out with the new anti grief protections/ buildmode.

    I guess the only ways GRIP could help is if someone gave a voucher to a griefer for fun.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  7. GRIP will still be needed, some builds have blocks unprotected, you may be griefed by someone in your group or they may even be on your friends list :eek:
    GRIP may not be needed as much but it will still definitely be needed :p
  8. Nah, that would insinuate that this is a competition of some sort, which it's not. But I agree that we'll most likely get a whole lot less to do now. This is one of the reasons why we started with free protection for public farms, reminds me to bump that thread. I'm still trying to find the owners of some.

    And yeah, accidental vouches or structures which haven't been protected yet.

    But you're right, we will soon remove all donation options because otherwise it wouldn't be fair *. And GRIP still has plenty in storage to help out plenty of players if the need arises.

    Whatever is going to happen you can be assured of one thing: it'll all be done in the open, with full transparency.


    * Either that but definitely no active advertising anymore. Just saying because decisions like these are not taken by me alone.
    AncientTower likes this.
  9. sometimes we also help ppl who got scammed, and we also once helped some1 with griefing in town. were not gone yet ^.^
    Nickblockmaster and AncientTower like this.
  10. GRIP now run some public farms (;
  11. GRIP still matter... helped out player 2day who had stuff stolen from his res. :( were careful, but if we think its real we help best as we can. esp. with new ppl.
  12. GRIP will be sponsoring "secret santa" with 100k.

    Now, the reason I share this is not to brag about "look at what we're doing" but because I feel obligated to share with you guys what GRIP is doing with their rupee resources. Let's be honest: most of the rupees we have were donated by you guys: the Empire community. So transparency is key here for me.

    This is also a somewhat controversial decision because the only one I consulted for this is Aya. Ayups. No one else.

    Of course I have my reasons:
    • This event truly helps the community, just look at the official thread.
    • You guys gave us permission.
    • I have a little more indepth view in the event (no comment) and this is for real: Pup is giving it his everything.
    • Never underestimate the time & effort into setting something up.
    • The holiday season is about giving.
    I made up my mind, this is happening.
    WolfInAction, Kytula and Equinox_Boss like this.
  13. GRIP will be doing more sponsoring, but no promises. pls see my 'expenses' post 4 an overview. something which shell SHOULD have been doing: telling me about it so i could update page. :p

    Here's how it works:

    Shell or me see something we like, we check it out 2 see if its legit and not a scam or such, and GRIP donates. Not gonna post everytime but see my post 4 overview.

    Main rule:

    no requests!


    /tell AyanamiKun I'm giving stuff away!


    /c t
    Hi everyone, come to my res on <res> for FREE STUFF!

    Happy Holidays! <3
  14. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
    --- George Santayana

    For a few times now have I been asking the community, the main force which gave GRIP its very existence, if we were allowed to use some of our resources for other purposes than helping griefed players. Don't worry: we still keep our eyes open for mishaps and if possible we try to step in, but the somewhat recent Anti-Griefing update has somewhat put us out of business.

    GRIP has since then sponsored a few events (because we knew that the event would benefit a lot of people who would end up having a good time there and also have a chance to win something) and sporadically also helped players in more symbolic ways (read: Aya & me have helped a few players out in the past who had casual problems (like the classic "I walked into lava and lost all my stuff :(") while crediting GRIP yet paying for the whole thing out of our own pocket).

    There is however one more thing I want to do on a more personal level.

    EMC has a very rich history. The server itself and many custom items even predate its current owner. That's a sign of a rich history as well as of maturity. In my opinion obviously. Now, the number one place to turn to when you want to know more about some of EMC's custom items is of course the wiki. There is a whole section dedicated to EMC's custom items where you can read everything you might want to know about them.

    So what if you don't like this dry theory? What if you want to actually see those items for yourself? I suppose you could try to bug a senior staffer (if you can actually see them in-game) but I don't think they'll be able to help you.

    Or... Or you can visit one of the Empire's community driven * musea. Yes, there is a disclaimer at work here, you can read more about that below. Now, there are a lot of players who (try to) run a museum. I happen to know because I'm honestly interested in musea. There are some which I (semi-)frequently visit on a regular basis.

    But there are two musea which have been here ever since I started playing. Which have been preserved and cherished, where the owner has done their utmost best to keep things running. And I'd like to see you (random reader) try. Not only set something like that up, but to continue and pushing on forward for more than two years now. And I say two because that's when I started playing. One of these two is even almost 3 years old.

    I know that a museum isn't something everyone will favour as much as I do. But I do believe that such a project has a very important role on a server like ours. Maybe even more than you might realize.

    Can you for example say that you ever held a copy of Aikar's Eternia in your hands (for a brief moment)? I can :) I was even allowed to read it. In-game. As a normal player such things are only possible through a museum.

    Musea preserve our past, they give us a look at our history, and knowing your history can be much more important than you (random reader) might realize right now.

    It is for that reason why I have decided that GRIP will do one more sponsoring. But this time we'll sponsor something which everyone can benefit from, in their own way.

    GRIP will donate 1 million rupees in total (500,000r each) to:

    16500 on SMP8, run by Hashhog / TheApostrophe.


    18200 on SMP9, run by FDNY21.

    I know what you might be thinking...

    * Staff favouritism much? Didn't I say these were community driven musea? So how come GRIP is now sponsoring staff stuff?

    In order to understand you really need to know your history, no pun intended. Because when I started playing on this awesome server both Hashhog (hashhog3000 at that time) as well as FDNY21 were regular players, just like you and me. I'm not looking at staff run musea here, I'm looking at community run musea which also managed to sustain for years now. Sure, the owner turned green, I don't think you should hold that against them :D hmm, ok, that is bad pun I suppose ;)

    Like I said: I've seen many musea come and go, yet these two managed to withstand the test of time, and I think that deserves both respect as well as a little stimulant hoping that they will continue with preserving our past for everyone to see.
  15. Interesting
    ShelLuser, Jelle68 and crafter31211 like this.
  16. not sure how to deal with this. I built a large spawning floor (Redacted by staff to protect build location) to allow mob grinding. this of course requires a large dark area, but someone has come along and placed torches in it so it no longer is spawning mobs. how can i get these removed?
  17. Just remove them. Torches are unprotected blocks, so anyone can pick those up. I also recommend that you build the outer wall using either uncommon blocks, or while having /buildmode turned on. This way you'll place blocks which only you and your friends can remove again, and that should block others from messing with your buildings.

    Also: rule of thumb: it's usually best not to share Frontier coordinates, just to prevent the risk of griefing.

    Hope this can help!
  18. I'd say if you can't remove them on your own. Then contact the owner of the torches. There should be a name that pops up when you try to remove them. If they are unable/unwilling to remove them then I'd pm a staff member to resolve this matter.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  19. Or he can use a water bucket...
    ShelLuser likes this.
  20. thank you for getting rid of them i was not able to.

    all of my recent builds are buildmode protected, but this one is years old. still try to do my patches in buildmode.
    thanks again.