[Event] Kill That Runder!!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by jossytheninja, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. So I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's noticed Runders unnatural skill at every event like ever. He's a beast. I've seen people talk about it here and there and thought..."wouldn't it be cool to see people try to defeat Runder and get their revenge?!" Now of course this will be for fun and I'm not doing this to cause some type of war :p So now that I've explained my reasoning of creating such an event here are the details:

    Event Date: April 22, 2017
    Event Time: 8pm EMC time
    Event Location: PVP Arena on SMP6

    There will be 3 rounds. Rounds end when someone has successfully killed Runder and I see it in chat. Winner of the first round will get 100k!!! Second round winner will get 50k!! and Third round winner will get 25k! It is possible for a person to win more than one round. If you would like to donate items for the winners PM me here on the forums or catch me online in game and let me know :) I'll update this post with donated items if there's any.

    Donated Item:
    • Maxarian Head
    • Cupid's Bow
    • Emergency Snow Clearing Device
    • 64 Cupid Arrows
    • 10 Vault Vouchers
    • Pi Pie
    • Turkey Slicer
    • Prancer
    • Liberty Sword
  2. Well there is uh.. building events, I'm bad at those.

    I'll be throwing some stuff in from my promo collection as prizes.
  3. If one of the prizes are KFC im in.
  4. I'd go kill Runder for free, the killing is the prize itself.
  5. There's also bow pvp, I guess...
    Equinox_Boss and NuclearBobomb like this.
  6. I'm actually OK at bow thank you very much.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. Dang you must've practiced a lot since yesterday.... :>
  8. Finally I can try to get revenge on this fox, named Runder
    Equinox_Boss and jossytheninja like this.
  9. Definetely coming.
    Equinox_Boss and jossytheninja like this.
  10. If I find the time, well, let's just say I'd be happy to join...
    Equinox_Boss and jossytheninja like this.
  11. Sent over a few promos for prizes, may send some more stuff in later. This'll be fun.

    Oh and worth it.
  12. Ha ha ha, I'm loving this already. I was about to ask "Does Runder know you're sending an army after him?" but I guess he does ;)

    I once tried to kill him with a bone... It didn't go well :D
    Equinox_Boss and jossytheninja like this.
  13. I joined Mob Arena the other day just in time to see Runder "shockingly" take the win. Well wanna know an event that he definitely wont win at?! This one :D so don't forget to mark your calendars and come out to kill that Runder :p
    Gawadrolt, Tbird1128 and Equinox_Boss like this.
    Equinox_Boss and jossytheninja like this.
  15. Are you prepared for the most important event of your life? Well get ready! There's only a little over 2 weeks left! *eye of the tiger plays in background* So get out your swords and bows and probably that old rusty armor that's been collecting dust in your vault and start training :)
    Gawadrolt and Equinox_Boss like this.
  16. :eek: why must it always be tiger retinas? We're endangered y'know!
    Reminds me of this:
  17. I needed a break from studying, so I made this. :p